After about 5 failed system boots, the phone will automatically reboot in recovery mode and you'll have to perform a FACTORY RESET. The worst thing which could happen is removing an essential system package needed during boot causing then an unfortunate bootloop. Packages are as well documented as possible in order to provide a better understanding of what you can delete or not. This can also contribute to improve security by reducing the attack surface. This is a complete rewrite in Rust of the UAD project, which aims to improve privacy and battery performance by removing unnecessary and obscure system apps. Check out the issues, and feel free to contribute! Summary This software is still in an early stage of development. I am not responsible for anything that could happen to your phone. You can get all the info on this new root script at the source link below.DISCLAIMER: Use at your own risk.

Developer "DesignGears" has not made provision for any files created with this script to be released, so I wouldn't expect a new flood of root methods being released from this method as this is a universal all encompassing method. With this tool you won't have to wait on developers to root your device for you. This is meant to assist you in rooting your device. Normally CF-Autoroot is made available for Samsung devices nearly instantly by Chainfire, however CF-Autoroot is not always available as was the case with the AT&T and Verizon Galaxy Note 3's. This will not work on Exynos devices which means this will not work on International variants of the device. tar you will be able to run it through the script and then flash the final product in Odin, gaining root on your device. Basically if you have access to your device's stock firmware. Now Root De La Vega has been made available to the masses as a Universal set of tools. Quickly after a version of Root De La Vega was released for the Galaxy S 3 on Verizon by developer "BeansTown106". Root De La Vega was huge news a few weeks ago when it was released by developer "DesignGears" as the only way to root the AT&T and Verizon variants of the Galaxy Note 3.